Want to manage large projects?

Several  companies needs to manage large and complex projects with hundreds of task and dependencies.
Moreover they would like to see the gantt history in time, in particular the baselines.

The just released Twproject 6.3 includes a faster version of jQuery Gantt editor with a time slider to inspect the project evolution.

I found the time necessary to align open source jQuery Gantt editor with the latest version available on Twproject and I’m proud to share it with you.

Whats new:

  • Speed! in case of projects with hundred of tasks the previous version was a little bit slow. This was mainly caused by the drawing of the graphical part, the SVG part. The previous version redraw the complete gantt, while the new one redraw the visible rows only. In a project with 400 task this approach is 300% faster.
  • Project baselines: the best approach to keep a project going is to keep task dates up-to-date. Sometime you would like to see what was planned at the beginning. Twproject records statistical data (dates, progress, costs, hours spent and much more) for every task. Daily. So we can supply the information to see the project overall status in the past. I introduced this capability to the open source version too. This section requires a server side integration in order to work.

  • You can now decide if the parent task will automatically shrink to the shorter duration possible.
    A new property has been included on GantMaster to activate it
  • Zoom and time scale drawers has been heavily refactored
  • Moreover we closed every open issue on GitHub

Unfortunately the two versions was quite far so I changed most of js files 🙁





New Gantt Editor Release: The Best Ever!

New Gantt Editor Release: The Best Ever!

It’s been a long time since I last published on this blog, I was very busy on building our  Twproject Project Management Software better and better. We have just released version 6.2 with a new mobile interface… but I’ll be back on this in one of my future posts.

During the last two years we have collected several feedback from our customers, but improvements and fixes were made on the Twproject’s Commercial Gantt editor version only.

The commercial version has been always a step forward the open source one, so after two and half years the gap becomes unbridgeable and I needed time and funds to ferry the open source component to the new world 🙂

Thanks to WikiSuite, that funded the alignment, the new version has finally seen the light.

Twproject’s Free Gantt Editor has been completely redesigned, the look and feel has been improved and usability has been improved.

There is also a lot of work under the hood. In order to fix several “strange” issues on complex Gantt cases, in fact, we have included a sort of unit testing engine (see ganttTestSuite.js) that helped us identifying and fixing issues. (more…)

Twproject jQuery Gantt editor–new version and service

Twproject jQuery Gantt editor–new version and service

Online Demo/Service and Sources

There are two news for this release:

1) a new “Pupunzi-ed” skin
2) a new service for storing and sharing your Gantts

Stylish and clean skin by Pupunzi

August is the calmest month of the year, most of our customers are in holiday and we had the time to look to our products under a different POV (3D docet Smile). Matteo (alias pupunzi) told me: “your Gantt sucks!”. I replied: “Ok, do it better…..if you can”. And he did it!

In the new skin, task statuses are more visible and everything uses media queries to better fit screen resolutions.

Another improvement is related to the scale and the splitter: positions are now stored on the project, so that you will open the Gantt on the same “visual” state.

We have also introduced a resource editor.

A nice feature is on project loading. Sometimes the json used for feeding the Gantt contains some errors; we made the loading process more robust to errors.

Some small bugs has been fixed too.

But the real great news is:

The on-line service

We worked on this component for a long time and we received lots of requests for implementing a “simple” service.

Here it is!  Now you can test it online, and moreover you can share Gantts with your friends and colleagues and embed as many Gantts you designed.

Nothing changed to the license that was and still remains MIT!

There is a simple login that uses most commons socials: Twitter, Facebook, Google or Linked-in


We use socials for authentication purpose only (no post, e-mail or spam), but you can help us keeping the service free by “spreading the word” Smile. Your project Gantts will be saved  to your account for a private access.


You can save as many Gantts you need. Here is a project list:


Project name is simply the name of the root of your Gantt.

You can show your Gantt to your friends/colleagues by using the “share” button:


Following the link anyone will be able to see your project (in read-only!), no login is required. Click here an example.

Moreover we created a widget to help including the Gantt in any page. Click on “embed”


Choose the size, and then copy and paste the code on your page. The widget will scale the content to adapt to the size.

If you want to export project data copy the share link


and replace “/project/” with “/data/”


Get more from your Gantt

As you know, a project is more than a Gantt, and mostly you get your project done by collaborating in team.
The free online Gantt service, is part of Twproject, a complete and easy to use project management solution where I’m the software architect.

You will find there in use several of my JavaScript components whose development I often describe on this blog.

With Twproject you can manage projects, tasks, issues, time tracking, resources, has powerful reports, shared agendas and lots more.

We have developed an easy to use import from Gantt so that you will see how your project works in a fully featured application.

Give it a try Smile

jQuery Gantt editor – collapsible branches

jQuery Gantt editor – collapsible branches

Online Demo

Download Sources

I received lots of request for this feature, but I never put my hands on.

Yesterday I received a merge request from Ken “BestKen” with this feature implemented!

The feature has been developed in a really “clean” manner: thanks Ken.



This new feature is already available on the demo and on GitHub sources.

There is also a  fix for IE 9 and a better organization of images.


jQuery Gantt editor – SVG and Critical path

jQuery Gantt editor – SVG and Critical path

Online Demo

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After a long period of hard work we have just released version 5.4 of our beloved project management tool Twproject, and I had finally found the time to upgrade jQuery Gantt editor.

This component is gaining lot of visibility day by day and I’d like to thank all the contributors for the precious feedback.

This new version has lots of interesting features, among which a new user interface, way cooler:


First of all, the Gantt side part has been rewritten using SVG technology, but the signatures have been preserved so that the old ugly interface can be used for old browsers (E.g: IE<9).

Having a closer look you will see how the Gantt side has been improved. (test it here: http://gantt.twproject.com)

Lots of useful changes have been added for user interactions:

1) You can drag and drop links for creating dependencies:



2) then you can select task or dependencies and delete them using keyboard.



3) Move task up, down, indent and outdent can be done using keyboard arrows.

4) Regarding the grid part, now you can move between rows and columns using keyboard.

5) Fixed header on both sides will help working with wider Gantts.

6) Gantt rescaling on windows resize events has been implemented.

7) A new button image will show/hide the critical path for the project (supported for SVG version only):



Going a little bit in depth, I have introduced a new property in the Task object for supporting readOnly at task level.

Several bugs has been solved in this version, and probably many others may have been introduced Smile.

As usual everything is MIT licensed!

Every feedback will be really appreciated.


See here for documentation:  http://roberto.twproject.com/2012/08/24/jquery-gantt-editor/

jQuery Gantt editor – new release: include today

jQuery Gantt editor – new release: include today

Online Demo

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We have just released a new version that implements a feature requested on this blog 🙂

Now you can configure the Gantt editor to show always “today” even if not included in the project time-scope.

Moreover we introduced two new methods:

1) Ganttalendar.centerOnToday(),  that scroll the Gantt graph to “today”

2) Ganttalendar.fitGantt(), that will find the best-fitting scale.


Enjoy this release, and let me know what you think about.

jQuery Gantt editor – bugfix: invalid project handling

jQuery Gantt editor – bugfix: invalid project handling

Online Demo

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We worked on the strange behaviour when loading a project with invalid data/structure  and we released a new version

Bug fixed:

  1. if project loading fails for invalid/incomplete data, you loose the control of the  application
  2. you can restrict parent changing duration even if not allowed by constraints: e.g.: a larger child


  1. better snap-to-grid moving tasks
  2. better feedback if project loading fails

jQuery Gantt editor – bugfix released

jQuery Gantt editor – bugfix released

Online Demo

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After few days of “massive debugging” we released an upgraded version of jQuery Gantt editor. (try it)


Bugs fixed:

  1. an ugly bug when using the editor with a western time-zone: GMT-n (e.g: USA, Canada, South America etc.).
  2. an invalid message call when a circular reference was created that force  js execution to stop
  3. no detection for avoiding a parent depending on its descendant

New feature:

  1. dependencies now supports lags: you can specify a dependency in the form of “7:3” that means the task will start after three days task “7” is completed

I’ve upgraded the component documentation: http://roberto.twproject.com/2012/08/24/jquery-gantt-editor/

Try the demo here http://gantt.twproject.com/

Feedback welcome!

jQuery Gantt editor

jQuery Gantt editor

Online Demo

Download Sources

As promised in my last post, here I will try to explain how to use our jQuery Gantt editor, how it works and how to customize it for your needs.

First let me list its key features:

  • jQuery based
  • MIT licensed: you can reuse it everywhere
  • json import-export
  • internationalizable
  • manage task statuses –> sort of workflow handling
  • manage dependecies
  • manage assignements (resources, roles, efforts)
  • server synchronization ready
  • full undo-redo support
  • cross browser (at least for recent versions)

Source codes are available on GitHub here: https://github.com/robicch/jQueryGantt

In order to better understand this component I will introduce some concepts below.


This editor has been created mainly as part of our project management solution, Twproject.

During the development we always kept in mind creating an open-source reusable “component”, while the focus was integration with Twproject. This constraint gave us the opportunity to extend the standard Gantt behaviour by introducing key features like task’s statuses, or time buffers for parent tasks.

This is not the right place to discuss how these features make project modelling and management more flexible and closer to the real world: if you want go deeper have a look at Twproject user guide.

If Twproject’s model influenced the behavior of the editor, the environment where Twproject lives (Java Jsp Html5  jQuery internationalized server side multi-db cross-operating-system etc.) influenced the packaging and the libraries of our editor; this is the reason for so many dependencies.

Despite this facts, our Gantt editor can be easily customized and extended as Javascript component.

Main concepts

While a Gantt viewer (hence read-only) can be easily packed as a single component, a Gantt editor is a way more  complicated object; so I prefer to think of it as jQuery application and not just as a plugin.

Actually our Gantt editor is composed by three main sub parts/editors: the grid editor on the left, the Gantt editor on the right, and the detailed task editor in popup; actually the popup editor is used also for resources and assignments.

The goal of our editor is to generate a json file representing the full project state that could be sent to a server to store it. During editing there is no interaction with the server.

The distributed version uses local storage to save the project status, but examples of server calls are available in the source code.

How to use it

Download the component source code here, unzip the file: the “gantt.html” is already a working Gantt editor. If you open “gantt.html” with your preferred html editor: the source contains some comments so it should be readable Smile .

To play with the code use Firefox with Firebug plugin installed or Chrome (as I do).

In the code first we defined a global variable for accessing the editor, called “ge”.

In your browser try to change something on the gantt and then from your js debugger execute


This method returns the project in form of a json object. In the demo page we use local storage for saving the project (or a textarea if local storage is not available), but in a real environment you probably will need to send data to a server. I left a commented code for ajax communication with the server.

In order to load a project you must obviously supply a json object in the same format that has been saved on the server:

ge.loadProject( <em>[yourJsonProject] </em>)

The same json object can be used both ways: load or save, and in consequence client-to-server or server-to-client.

Project data structure

This is a project json object structure:

resources: […]
roles: […]
… more

here  tasks, resources and roles are arrays.

As it easy to guess, the “tasks” array contains a list of task in the Gantt, and this is the most relevant data to manage.

“Resources” and “roles” will be easy to understand by looking first to a task element in the “tasks” array:

"description":"Approval of testing",

First important consideration: the order of tasks in the array is the same of the editor. The index of the array is used as reference for dependencies.

Attributes like name, code and description require no explanation, but some do:

  • id: used to synch data with the server. If the id is supplied by the server it will untouched. Tasks created client side will acquire a temporary id starting with  “tmp_”
  • level: it is the depth (the indentation) of a task in the Gantt structure. The root task is at level 0 (zero), its children at level 1 (one) and so on. Levels must be consistent with the project structure: you can’t have a task of level n+1 if you don’t have a task of level n above on the array
  • start, end: are expressed in milliseconds. “start” is set to the first millisecond of the day, “end” is set to the last millisecond of the day.
  • duration: is always in working days. If there are holidays on the calendar (see below for  holydays configuration) the end date will take it into account. Actually the end date is always recomputed using “start” and “duration”, and it is supplied for comfort  Smile
  • startIsMilestone, endIsMilestone: booleans. Once set to true, task’ start/end can’t move accidentally. You always can change dates directly on the task, but not by acting on children or predecessors.
  • depends: a string comma delimited containing indexes of tasks on which this task depends. Multiple dependencies are supported. Only the finish-to-start dependency type is supported (other types can be workarounded by introducing intermediary brother tasks or children). It is possible to specify a “lag” in days by using a “:”. E.g.: 7:3,8 means that the task will start 3 days after task 7 is completed and task 8 is completed.
  • status: this is a string representing the status of the task. Allowed statuses are: STATUS_ACTIVE, STATUS_DONE, STATUS_FAILED, STATUS_SUSPENDED, STATUS_UNDEFINED. As stated before, task statuses allow to use your project like a sort of workflow: e.g.: if “task b” depends on “task a”, “task b” will remain in “STATUS_SUSPENDED” until “task a” will pass from “STATUS_ACTIVE” to “STATUS_DONE”. For the complete status transition rules see below.
  • progress: a number that specifies progress: 0%  none 50% half way and so on. For Twproject in some case 123% can be a meaningful value for progress, so there are no constraints.
  • assigs: array of  assignment. Each assignment has the following structure:

mainly assignments are structured for carrying server-side  data:

  • resourceId: is the unique id for the resource. Refers to the “resources” array
  • id: is the unique identifier of this assignment
  • roleId: is the unique identifier of this assignment. Refers to the “roles” array
  • effort: is the estimated effort in milliseconds

The “resources” array contains elements in the following form:

"name":"Resource 1"

The “roles”  array contains elements in the following form:

"name":"Project Manager"

You must remember that this editor is the client part of something that manages persistence, alerts, interaction with other systems server-side; so we have to handle a few more attributes:

selectedRow: 7
canWrite: true
canWriteOnParent: true


  • deletedTaskIds: is an array containing the ids of the tasks removed client side. Only tasks with a “real” id will be notified to the server (so not those starting with “tmp_”), locally generated ones will be removed silently.
  • selectedRow: is the line currently in edit
  • canWrite: is a boolean stating if you have permission to write/change/create/delete tasks on this project or not. Set it to true for a basic usage.
  • canWriteOnParent: this is a little bit obscure. It is used in case you are editing only a small part of a complex project. For instance  you are a PM of  sub-task but not of the top-project: maybe some changes you made on dates may affect the top-project schedule.
    Setting this boolean to false you will stop propagation to top project/s. Set it to true for a basic usage.
  • minEditableDate, maxEditableDate: are the boundaries used in case you can’t  write on parent

Here is an example a the project json object:

"name":"Gantt editor ",
"name":"phase 1",
"name":"phase 2",
"name":"Resource 1"
"name":"Resource 2"
"name":"Resource 3"
"name":"Project Manager"

Status transition rules (aka project workflow)

Task statuses are a key feature of Twproject, and our Gantt editor supports them in full.

Use the demo page and try to close some tasks (change status to “completed”); you will see how dependent tasks/children will change their status according to the following rules:

  • any status-> STATUS_DONE:  may activate dependent tasks, both suspended and undefined. Will set to done all descendants.
  • STATUS_FAILED -> STATUS_DONE:  do nothing if not forced by hand.
  • STATUS_UNDEFINED -> STATUS_ACTIVE: all children become active, if they have no dependencies.
  • STATUS_SUSPENDED -> STATUS_ACTIVE : sets to active all children and their descendants that have no inhibiting dependencies.
  • STATUS_DONE -> STATUS_ACTIVE: all those that have dependencies must be set to suspended.
  • STATUS_FAILED -> STATUS_ACTIVE: nothing happens: child statuses must be reset by hand.
  • any status-> STATUS_SUSPENDED: all active children and their active descendants become suspended. when not failed or forced
  • any status-> STATUS_UNDEFINED: all active children and their active descendants become suspended. when not failed or forced.
  • any status-> STATUS_FAILED: children and dependants are set to failed.

A basic minimal implementation

The demo example is quite simple and commented, it should the right point to start.

Here I’ll sum-up what you’ll need to use our Gantt editor in your application:

first include javascript dependencies

<script src="/jquery/1.7/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

<script src="libs/jquery.livequery.min.js"></script>
<script src="libs/jquery.timers.js"></script>
<script src="libs/platform.js"></script>
<script src="libs/date.js"></script>
<script src="libs/i18nJs.js"></script>
<script src="libs/dateField/jquery.dateField.js"></script>
<script src="libs/JST/jquery.JST.js"></script>

<script src="ganttUtilities.js"></script>
<script src="ganttTask.js"></script>
<script src="ganttDrawer.js"></script>
<script src="ganttGridEditor.js"></script>
<script src="ganttMaster.js"></script>

then some css

<link rel=stylesheet href="platform.css" type="text/css">
<link rel=stylesheet href="libs/dateField/jquery.dateField.css" type="text/css">
<link rel=stylesheet href="gantt.css" type="text/css">

then you need a div where to place the editor, something like:

<div id="workSpace" style="padding:0px; overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden; border:1px solid #e5e5e5; position:relative; margin:0 5px; width:1024px; height:800px;"></div>

now create the Gant editor and bind it to your div

var ge = new GanttMaster();

your editor its ready to use.

If you want to know how our Gantt editor works, go in depth by reading next chapter…

How it is built

Environment first!


Our Gantt editor is based on jQuery and use some jQuery UI components like draggable, sortable etc.

Other jQuery related libraries are used here like livequery and timers.

For data selection I used one of  my components (I have not yet published it but I will…; anyway its included here):


It supports date shortcuts like “t” (today), “y” (yesterday), “lm” (last month), “lq” (last quarter), “-4w” (4 week ago)  and so on. See files on “/libs/dateField” folder for details. This component is MIT licensed so use it!

Another key component is a javascript template library called “JST” that I wrote some years ago and discussed in a previous post “Easy going JavaScript templates”.

It is used for creating editor side rows and Gantt task elements. The library is in “/libs/JST” folder; it is very powerful and I used it in several products.

Our Gantt editor uses extensively date computation and formatting.

I used Matt Kruse’s date library with some extensions for managing holidays in date computation and with some changes for more comprehensive support of Java date formats and internationalization.

Our Gantt editor supports internationalization, but only English is implemented. Have a look at “/libs/i18n.js” file. Here you will find all the internationalization defaults, including the definition of a sample holidays calendar.

The last library used is “/libs/platform.js” that is a sort of toolbox for input validation, feedback management, extension of js objects (String, Array, Date) for cross-browser compatibility and other tricks.

I’m not very proud of this library and I cleaned it up many times with the secret hope to remove it completely, but it is very tightly linked to our “historic” development environment; if I had to fork the Gantt from our platform it would become difficult to maintain.

Core objects

We have now arrived at the application’s core.

We divided the editor in three parts:

  • the GridEditor object that manages the left part of the editor. Data editing is managed here.
  • the Ganttalendar (sorry for the ugly name!) object that manages the right part of the editor with Gantt drawing, calendar scale, task date movement
  • the GantMaster object that is responsible for the coordination of both sides, transactional management, event management and persistence.
    Your code should “talk” only with this object.

These objects are in the gridEditor.js, gantDrawer.js and gantMaster.js files respectively.

The entities managed are: Task, Link, Resource, Role, Assignment, and are defined in ganttTask.js file.


Once the Gantt Editor has been initialized

var ge = new GanttMaster();

it binds some events on the DOM object, in this case the DIV “workspace”.

Events bound are:

  1. refreshTasks.gantt: perform a redraw of all tasks
  2. refreshTask.gantt: accepts a task as parameter. Redraw the passed task:
  3. deleteCurrentTask.gantt: delete the current selected task
  4. addAboveCurrentTask.gantt: add a task above the current ones. The task inserted will be a brother of the current one
  5. addBelowCurrentTask.gantt: add a task below the current ones. The task inserted will be a child of the current one
  6. indentCurrentTask.gantt: the current task will become a child of the task above
  7. outdentCurrentTask.gantt: the current task will become a brother of the task above
  8. moveUpCurrentTask.gantt: the current task (and its own children) will be moved up
  9. moveDownCurrentTask.gantt: the current task (and its own children) will be moved down
  10. zoomPlus.gantt: restrict  the time scale of the Gantt side (more detail)
  11. zoomMinus.gantt: enlarge the time scale of the Gantt side (less detail)
  12. undo.gantt: undo the last actions performed
  13. redo.gantt: redo last actions

A basic usage for triggering an event will look like:


When you perform an action in the project tree, the action could propagate along the tree. There are many constraints that must be respected like milestones, statuses, dependencies, boundaries and so on. Every constrain could make it impossible to complete the operation so we decided to wrap tree operations with a  “transaction”; in case of constraint violation we rollback all the changes already done.

Events are transaction-safe, so you don’t need to worry about them.


The GanttMaster object exposes some useful methods you may need for your application.

Be careful: unlike events, methods exposed are “low-level”, so you are responsible for managing transactions correctly; transactions are not managed unless otherwise specified.

Here is a list of most important methods:

init (jQueryDomObject)

description: creates the Gantt editor, initializes project arrays, binds events.

jQueryDomObject: is a jQuery proxy for a DOM object tipically a <div> where you want to create the Gantt editor

return: nothing

createTask (id, name, code, level, start, duration)

description: creates a Task object. The task created is not added to project, just created

id: task id
name: task name
code: task code
level: task indentation level. Root task is 0 (zero)
start: the task start date in millisecond
duration: task duration in days

return: the task created

createResource (id, name)

description: creates a Resource object. The resource created is not added to resource list, just created

id: resource id
name: resource name

return: the resource created

addTask (task, row)

description: adds a task to the project at the specified row

task: a Task object
row: row where to add the object, zero based

return: the task added


description: loads a project on the editor. This method is transaction safe.

project: a project in json format as above defined in “Project Data Format” section.

return: nothing


description: gets the project in json format as above defined in “Project Data Format” section

return: the json object


description: adds tasks to the current project from the specified row on

tasks: an array of Task object
row: row where to start adding tasks, zero based

return: nothing


description: retrieves a task by id

tasksId: the id of the task you want

return: a Task object


description: retrieves a resource by id

respurceId: the id of the resource you want

return: a Resource object

changeTaskDates (task, start, end)

description: changes scheduling for a task in the project

task: task you want to change
start: the task start date in millisecond
end: task end in milliseconds

return: true if changing was performed, false if changes required are invalid. Error codes are set on current transaction.

moveTask (task,newStart)

description: moves a task to a new starting date

task: task you want to move
start: the task start date in millisecond

return: true if changing was performed, false if changes required are invalid. Error codes are set on current transaction.


description: updates project link structure as defined in “task.depends” property

task: task you want to change

return: true if changing was performed, false if changes required are invalid. Error codes are set on current transaction.

taskIsChanged ()

description: notifies GanttMaster that a task has been changed and enqueues a request for redrawing both sides. Redraw is executed asynchronously and only once after 50 milliseconds

return: nothing


description: redraw both sides. Redraw is executed immediately

return: nothing


description: starts a new project and empties both sides

return: nothing


desciption: shows the complete task editor in popup

taskId: the id of the task you want to edit

return: nothing


description: undoes the last operation performed. There is no limit to the number of operations (the limit is just the memory of your browser)

return: nothing


description: redoes last operation undo-ed

return: nothing


description: saves the current state of the project in memory. Transactions cannot be nested

return: nothing


description: closes the current transaction by making changes performed active. If there are errors set on the transaction, it rollbacks to previous state

return: true in case of  successful commit, false if a rollback was performed

setErrorOnTransaction(errorMessage, task))

description: sets an error message related to a Task object in the current transaction. If no transaction is started the message is displayed on console instead.

errorMessage: a string containing the error message

task: the Task object that generates the error

return: nothing


The Gantt editor uses CSS so you can play customizing your Gantt editor look-and-feel.

Regarding internationalization, the question is a little bit complicated. As I’ve already said, actually only the English version is available.

The file “libs/i18n.js” is used for managing generic language/country specific data.  There you can change the values for month names, day names, currency format, date format and some default message strings. Actually in our real environment (Twproject) this file is server-side generated in base of user’s language settings.

In the same file you can/must change the implementation of the method isHoliday(date) that is used for taking care of  working days. The current implementation supports both fixed holydays (like Christmas) and mobile ones (like Easter), but you can refine the implementation for your needs.

Gantt specific string are set on GanttMaster.messages object, and by default its values are in English: you can implement you own language.


There are lots of “tools” that can be reused; here is a list of some that I think may save a lot of time to developers:

JST: a javascript templating system, see here previous post “Easy going JavaScript templates”, but the version in Gantt is the updated ones (read until my last comment in the post linked!)

DateField: a jQuery calendar input component. No frills!

Date/Time: lots of functions that support multiple formats, relative dates, shortcuts etc. The changes from Matt Kruse’s date library should be really useful for Java developers, and in general my version is a little bit more complete, even if the original its great by itself!

Gridify: a jQuery component that transforms a <table> making columns resizable. See it at work on the left side of Gantt editor

Splittify: a jQuery component that creates a splitter in a specified dom element. Used for splitting the editor from the Gantt part

Transaction, undo-redo:  the idea and the implementation is very basic, so it can be used in many contexts

Profiler: a helpful tool for monitoring your javascript code performance

Field validation: validation function for email, url, date, time, integer, double, currency etc.

Everything is MIT!

I’m not sure if anyone can be interested on this stuff so for the moment that’s all, but in case someone is interested I’ll be pleased to publish a new post about them.

Every feedback will be really appreciated.

The JavaScript Gantt odyssey

The JavaScript Gantt odyssey

An “extended” overview of available JavaScript Gantt components…. and more

I cant believe it; I did it again!

I promised, but can’t resist……. I should have known it!

But let’ start from the beginning.

O course all of you know very well (at least you should!) Twproject, the wonderful project management software that Open Lab is developing since 2003, which is about to celebrate its fifth major release; finally I can confirm that we will be out at the end of June.

One of the major new features for version 5  is a full Gantt editor, browser based.

I was in charge to select a JavaScript component that we could embed in our product – in order to save time.

So this post is firstly a selection of available components, but …….. read until the end.
(no thanks! I’m in a hurry)

My ideal component should be based on  jQuery, be LGPL (or an equivalent free-free license), be easy to configure, skinnable, multi-browser.

Unlike in my previous articles, when I was looking for grid components, tag inputscalendar, JavaScript templatesconfirm etc., for Gantt editors the market offers few opportunities.


Here is what I found:

DHX Editable JavaScript Gantt Chart


This component is very easy to use, simple and well documented.

It supports drag&drop and edit.

In my case the problem was that this component is tightly linked with the DHTMLX library and this is not my choice.

But if you are not already “linked” to a “framework” (like jQuery) maybe this could be your choice.

Regarding licensing, its both under GPL or commercial license. A fee of $699 for an enterprise license may be worth it.


Brynthum EXT Gantt


I think this is the best component I found ever.

The user interface is smooth, responsive and well designed. It supports editing in place, zooming, buffering for large Gantt (what could be the meaning of a project with 1000 tasks? Winking smile ) drag&drop etc.

The documentation is well done and complete…… sigh! it is based on EXTJs!

The second negative point is the licensing that doesn’t fit our needs. Only a commercial license is provided.

But if this component fits you, give it a try as it is a great component.


A little sad about leaving EXT gannt, I found



this component developed by Shlomy Gantz and Brian Twidt seems a little bit “rude” when compared with the two above, but undoubtedly it has the value of  being built from scratch. No libraries! 100% sweat of the brow!

This component is written for data display, so if you want to drag&drop, edit, interact in some way, you must to write your code.

Documentation is…. concise, but complete.  The license model is BSD.

The lack of the editing ability convinced me to pass over.




Finally a jQuery one!

As the name suggests it is only a viewer. Even the data model is a little weak, missing support for dependencies, but is one of the few components I found built upon jQuery. The project seems to be dying and the author Frank Grubbs did not release updates since 2 years ago.

There is an interesting work started from this project http://mbielanczuk.com/2011/06/jquery-gantt-chart/

but it still lacks some features.


I was scraping the bottom of the barrel, when I found this Japanese component



Done by Maro, this is a very light Gantt viewer; it doesn’t support dependencies, editing or other advanced features, but it can be used as a starting point.


I was really desperate at this point! What I was looking for was something like the component used on



Gantter is an online service, so not a part of this family of components, but I used it to set my requirements.

They don’t sell their component.


But searching for something similar I found interesting stuff in the far east:

Sunflower 向日葵任务甘特图


If you are fluent with Chinese, maybe you’ll find working with this component easier than I did.

But Chinese apart this is a really full featured component, and I work with it for a while. It supports editing, drag&drop, dependencies, zooming, etc.

I didn’t understand the license type very well, but a free version seems available.

Documentation is available in Chinese only, and Google Translate can help you only partially.

It doesn’t use jQuery.


What I found really incredible is how Sunflower component is similar to the one used by the above online service…


And last but not least I found


TreeGrid Gantt Char


This component is awesome! really! it can do everything.

Supports every kind of  actions, notation, dependencies, colors, really everything.

There are lots of examples and the online documentation is complete and effective.

imageMaybe someone can argue that the readability of this kind of Gantt is not ideal, but the component can be used in a simpler way.

Scalability is not an issue at all for this component, there is an example with 1000000 rows and 1000 columns!

Also compatibility is wider than any marketer requirement could ever be (runs even on IE6).


Ok it is not based on jQuery, and the commercial license cannot fit every wallet, but a component like this requires years for developing it.




I have to cite the dojo library for completeness, but I didn’t play with this component.

Seems quite complete and the documentation is well done. Based on Dojo, not on jQuery.

Our solution

If you reached this point maybe you are asking what component did I choose?

I told you at the beginning:


I did it again!

I developed my own component!



  1. because none of the component mentioned above is LGPL/MIT
  2. none is built in jQuery
  3. I need to actively manage the data model because a Twproject task/project’ one is more flexible than one representable with a Gantt

but mainly because I love to write code!

In this case the work seemed really hard so I  worked in pair with Silvia, and this is actually a nice experience by itself!


Here’s the result of our efforts:


Even if the layout is clean and may seem barebones it actually supports a lot of features:

  • in-place editing image
  • drag&drop
  • zooming
  • do/undo
  • multiple dependencies
  • full editing
  • dates shortcuts image
  • css skin
  • multiple browser
  • resources editing
  • multiple assignment
  • milestones
  • export data in JSON format
  • resize & scroll


  • tasks status!

the last point is the mayor difference introduced in Twproject task management  model.

Twproject focus is capturing work done in real time. To do this we built a tool that can model real time situations and easily change in time. This is in contrast with traditional project management methodology where projects are defined in advance in all details – not realistic for most work situations.
So Twproject’s model of project, task trees, dates and task states is different from that of classical Gantts: tasks can be open beyond their due dates, task can be suspended inside their time scope, and so on. Also the automation due to dependencies has been somewhat simplified with respect to classical Gantt tools.


The introduction of task’s states lets our Gantt act as a sort of workflow.  Let’s see what happens when you close a phase with dependencies:

here the first phase is open (second row: green-> open)



here I closed the first phase (all subtasks become blue->closed : rows 3 and 4 ) so the second phase can start and become green->open and its dependants become orange->suspendedimage


Task full editor


Resource quick editor


You can try our component online here on http://gantt.twproject.com/

Source code is available on GitHub here. This component is release under MIT license.


In the next post I’ll describe in detail how to use the component code, stay tuned.

The complete link collection for this article is in a Licorize booklet: http://licorize.com/projects/rbicchierai/JS-Gantt-editor